Well a lot has happened this last week or so. Well not really a lot but some kinda exciting news for me.
As I posted in my updates that I had finally got a social worker to contact my Daughters Adoptive parents. And now I was able to communicate with them without having to wait for my old social worker to contact me etc and now I could call my social worker etc.
Now I get an email last week from my old social worker stating that my daughter parents have set up an email so we can communicate directly without a social worker. Oh this was more than I could have hoped for I was so ecstatic. So I sent them an explanation letter as to why I had gotten a new social worker.
They emailed me back to say they were sorry they had no idea that I wasn’t struggling to contact them. But they have presents for my daughters for Christmas and a CD or two of photos and would I like to meet with them to collect or we can get a third party whatever I feel more comfortable with.
I’m not sure if I will get to see her or just them but whatever it is I feel it’s a step in the right direction.
Yes emotionally it will be hard if I do get to see her but the thought of having to wait another 16 years is even harder. And honestly I think it might be easier us to bond if she has a memory of me and I’m in her life even if it’s only once or twice a year than one day having to try start a new relationship from scratch. I don’t know but that’s my view. I know not everyone agrees with this. But I want to try it. But I’m not going to get too excited till I know for sure but I had to share.
Oh and my Mom says I’m not emotionally ready for this maybe she’s right but my thing is when will I be emotionally ready??